Lit Painting SHOWCASE

By LitPaintingShowcase (other events)

2 Dates Through Aug 17, 2019

Art!! With a twist!! Canvases are adorned! Soulful, inspiring music sets the scene, all while the sweet aroma of candle wax boils in preparion to fill your creatively designed vial!! We are back at it! This time we are inviting the kids to come at an earlier show so they can indulge in their inner artist!! With a very affordable price of $25 for the Big Kids (Adults) and $10 for the children, you can't afford not to miss this one! Childrens painting showcase begins at 5PM and ends at 630 PM. Also witness and buy or bid on original pieces from Jamorian Carter and Kenneth Carlisle and or purchase amazing aromatic products from Throwed Scents featuring: Cyntia!( FREE Entry for art/scents buyers at 845PM Until 930PM)